TSA has been certified in Occupational Health and Safety, Quality Management, and Environmental Management Systems under ISO standards since 2013.

Safety at TSA

‘Safety First’ is at the heart of our business. TSA are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and members of the public.

We have cultivated a strong safety culture that promotes communication, collaboration and ongoing improvement among our teams.

TSA believes in the importance of all employees coming to work and performing their duties in the safest of environments to ensure they go home safely to enjoy their life outside of work.

Safety to us includes

  • Safe environments
  • Functional and maintained equipment
  • Appropriately trained and upskilled employees
  • Communication of health and safety updates and messages
  • Implementation of critical controls in the workplace everyday

To ensure compliance and adherence to best practices, we regularly conduct safety audits, inspections and training sessions.


Our Safety Systems

In 2024, we updated our systems to manage our expanding Safety requirements. To ensure greater user interface and tactile staff interactions, we launched new tools to assist:

  • TSA QHSE Information Management System
  • TSA Learning Management Hub
  • TSA mobile app


Excitingly, our teams now have instant access to the latest OH&S information through the QHSE platform and TSA App. This platform integrated data and processes related to quality, health, safety and the environment, enabling real-time performance monitoring and management.

The TSA QHSE is our online platform that integrates data and processes related to quality, health, safety and the environment, enabling real-time performance monitoring and management.

TSA Learning Management System - Learning Hub

Upon entrance to our company, employees are introduced to our Learning Management System. Our innovative training tool ensures our employees can undergo appropriate company induction and safety training.

IMG 0277

Our Environmental Commitment

TSA remains focused on developing solutions to reduce our environmental impact. By applying the company environmental management framework to our service delivery TSA strive to meet environmental objectives and targets and reduce our environmental impact.

Carbon footprint